Indoor 4 x 200 Relay

CURRENT AS OF 5/24/2023


          By fastest time each year  
1. 1:32.20 *# Gaylen Gerdes, Jeff Espinosa, Tim Hemming, Jay Bradley 1977
2. 1:32.44 FAT Luke Toyosi, Brayden Longnecker, Marshall Hill, James Harrington 2011
3. 1:33.14 * Taylor Brookins, Schuylar Oordt, Corey Albrecht, Josh Webb 2005
4. 1:33.19 FAT Kyle Trunnell, Jabrill Bailey, Joey Nielson, Jacob Paulson 2020
5. 1:33.20 FAT Josh Anderson, Kyle Duchman, Josh Webb, Kevin Roberts 2004
6. 1:33.36 FAT James Harrington, Austin Long, Jake Jamison, Jesse Alexander 2010
7. 1:33.54 * Alan Ross, Trip Kilander, Chris Henderson, Drew Waseskuk 1982
8. 1:33.81 FAT Mitch Young, Michael Kremer, Ryan Ostrich, Jacob Paulson 2019
9. 1:33.89 FAT Brian Harrington, Brandon Nelson, Phil Clark, Corey Albrecht 2007
10. 1:34.17 FAT Jason Dahlstrom, Matt Miller, John Breidenbach, Brad Richtmeier 1999

* – converted from Manual Time to Fully Automatic, (.24 for races 300 meters and below, .14 for races above)
# – converted from yards to meters (meters started in 1978; if needed, FAT conversion before conversion from yards)
FAT — Fully Automatic Time